Alcohol, Until Death Do Us Part

A Collection of Poetry and the Tragic Story of my Dear Sister Karen who died of Alcohol Addiction on March 17, 2005
A book by Maureen Appleby: © 2009 -
alcohol abuse, poems, poetry, story, stories, alcohol addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, death, family member

Karen wrote poetry throughout her life reflecting countless struggles and wonderments. Several months before her death, I asked her why she drank? Karen said something happened to her years ago. She would not tell me. I asked her if it involved our family... "No! No! No! Nothing like that." But yet she still refused to tell me. She took it to her grave. I hoped the answer; the cause of the alcoholism would be reflected in her writings. What took this beautiful child I grew up with down an alcoholic path, which made her physically unrecognizable to me? All of us left behind wonders what happened to Karen to take her down that path of self-destruction in the beginning before it became a physical and mental addiction? What was her trigger? Should I have seen warning signs long ago? Could I have been a better sister with more time to listen or a shoulder to cry on for those life struggles and disappointments we all share as we grow into adults? Could I have loved her more? Enabled her less? Tried to help, before it was hopeless.

After reading all her poems, I believe her trigger could have been a broken heart, irreparable, unfixable. She wrote volumes of poems soul searching for answers to her pain then went on a quest to love God, maybe love herself. I sense at one point, she felt God did not love her, as she did not love herself.

Karen, you're with God. All is well with you now. But it doesn't answer that question that haunts me daily, because I miss you sister. Maybe I'll find the answer in your poems, your words from the heart. The answer must lie within your writings.